Laser Tattoo Removal Treatment
Laser tattoo removal treatment is a process that has gained significant popularity in recent years at the Venkat Center in Bangalore. Tattoos, while historically symbolic of cultural expression, religious beliefs, or personal statements, can become sources of regret as individuals evolve. Fortunately, tattoos are no longer permanent, thanks to the advancements in dermatologic surgery. At the Venkat Center, skilled dermatologic surgeons employ the best techniques to safely and effectively remove unwanted tattoos, offering a path to liberation from past decisions.
Why Remove a Tattoo?
There are various medical reasons why someone may choose to have a tattoo removed. Allergic reactions to tattoo ink can cause a variety of symptoms, including redness, itching and swelling. Additionally, tattoos that were not applied properly can cause scarring and other forms of skin damage. Finally, some people choose tattoo removal for employment reasons, as visible tattoos can be a barrier to jobs like army recruitment.
Best Tattoo Removal in Bangalore, India
Different options include Lasers, surgery and older techniques such as dermabrasion are available. Lasers can be used to remove a tattoo with US FDA-approved equipment and to completely eliminate the tattoo ink remnants from the skin to restore the skin to its original glory. Q switched Nd: YAG is a commonly used type of laser for permanent tattoo removal.
At Venkat Center, we employ the latest world-class technology called Q switched Nd: YAG laser technique. This technique uses a high-powered laser on the tattoo-inscribed skin. This energy transforms into shock waves, breaking down the tattoo pigment into particles. The natural process of the body responsible for foreign body elimination removes these particles through the blood flow. This technology focuses on removing various forms of tattoos with the least pain and with ease.
Advantages of Laser Tattoo Removal Treatment
Laser tattoo removal offers numerous advantages, making it a popular choice for those seeking to erase unwanted tattoos. With its safe and FDA-approved nature, this procedure is suitable for all individuals. It effectively diminishes tattoo appearance while leaving surrounding areas unaffected. Regardless of the tattoo’s size or shape, laser removal can tackle it, even allowing for selective removal of specific parts if desired. One of the key benefits is the minimal downtime associated with the procedure, with a low risk of scarring in most cases. Discover the advantages of laser tattoo removal and bid farewell to unwanted ink.
How are Tattoos Removed at The Venkat Center, Bangalore
The laser tattoo removal procedure begins with a consultation with one of our expert consultants. During this consultation, we assess the patient’s skin type, the area to be treated, and the tattoo itself. We then council the patient about the procedure and the number of sessions that may be required to achieve the desired result.
On the day of the procedure, a local anesthetic cream is applied to numb the pain, and a patch test is performed on a small area of the skin to determine the skin’s reaction to the laser. Once the patient is comfortable, we begin the treatment by passing a high-intensity beam over the tattoo, which helps to remove the ink particles. After the treatment for the day is complete, we inform the patient about the date and time of the next session. Before leaving, we apply an antibacterial ointment to the skin to reduce the risk of infection. Our laser tattoo removal process is designed to be safe, effective, and as comfortable as possible for our patients.

Q Nd Yag laser is considered the safest and most effective method now.
How many sessions are needed?
Between 3-6 sessions depending on the age of the tattoo, the colour of the ink, and the patient’s skin type.
Are there Side effects?
Usually no; there may be mild redness and burning which are treated easily.
What is the interval between the sessions?
An interval of around 6-8 weeks between each session is ideal.
What is the R20 method?
If a patient can not come to the clinic repeatedly, this method can be used, wherein 4 treatments are given at 20-minute intervals. However, there may be more redness and irritation.
What you need to know for the best Tattoo Removal Treatment
- Professionally applied tattoos tend to penetrate the deeper layers of the skin.
- Professional tattoos made with some of the newer inks and pastel colors may be difficult to remove entirely.
- Red, Yellow, Deeper blue and black ink colors are particularly challenging.
- Newer tattoos often tend to be more difficult to remove than older ones.
- Complete tattoo removal is not always possible.
- Some level of scarring or skin color variation is a strong possibility.
- Tattoo removal is always done on an outpatient basis.
Contact us at the Venkat Center Bangalore for any queries.