
Sun Protection and Sunscreens

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Sun Exposure Skin Problems

Sun protection is one of the most important components of dermatology. At Venkat Center Bangalore, we evaluate and address all of your suns damage-related issues. Read on to understand why sun protection is important.

The sun’s rays can be deceptive, as their warmth and radiance can mask the hidden dangers they pose to your skin. Unveiling their true impact reveals a range of troubling effects that can mar your skin’s health and appearance. Sun exposure, especially when unprotected, can lead to an array of skin problems. From sunburns that leave your skin red and painful to premature ageing characterized by wrinkles, fine lines, and loss of elasticity, the consequences are undeniable. Dark spots, sunspots, and an uneven skin tone can also emerge as unwelcome souvenirs of excessive sun exposure.

Perhaps the most alarming revelation is the increased risk of skin cancer, which makes it imperative to take sun protection seriously. So don’t let the sun steal your radiance! Armed with knowledge and a shield of protection, you can defy the sun’s grasp and bask in the spotlight of healthy, luminous skin. With preventive measures like wearing broad-spectrum sunscreen, seeking shade, and donning protective clothing, you can shield your skin from the sun’s dark side and enjoy a healthier, more radiant complexion.

What is the spectrum of the Sun’s rays? 

Sunlight is composed of infrared light (it emits heat), visible light (the light that allows us to see different colours) and ultraviolet light (UVL).

UVL is subdivided into: Ultraviolet light A (UVA wavelength 320-400nm), Ultraviolet light B (UVB) which is a shorter wavelength (290-320nm) and Ultraviolet light C UVC(260-290nm).

Do all these radiations reach the earth’s surface and affect us? 

Well, No! The UVC is filtered by the ozone layer in the atmosphere and hence we are spared from the harsh effects of this radiation but alas we are subjected to the harmful effects of everything else. But the depletion of the ozone layer due to atmospheric pollution has been a cause of concern about the increasing incidence of skin cancer.

But do we really need protection from the sun? 

Yes, we do. Several changes such as tanning, pigmentation, ageing, and rarer conditions like cancer (in certain skin types etc) can occur.

Are all these changes taking place because of one single UV light? 

Both UVA & UVB are responsible for pigmentation. Pigmentation of the skin along with wrinkling is one of the first signs of photo ageing (primarily caused by UVA). So as a preventive measure, dermatologists recommend the use of sunscreen every day.

UVA’ A for ageing (visual wrinkling, pigmentation disorders and sun spots). It Penetrates through window glass and cloud cover (exposure possible indoors & while driving and hence penetrates deeper into the skin. It is also present throughout the year. It is responsible for immediate tanning – Pigmentation in hours and the commonest cause of allergic reactions to sunlight. 

‘UVB’ B for burning (sunburns). It does not penetrate deep but its Intensity is highest during Midday. It is responsible for delayed tanning and produces DNA mutations which could lead to skin cancers.

Why do we need protection from the sun?

UVB is the main cause of sunburn, and UVA can augment or add to the effects of UVB on the skin. UVC is the most dangerous – however, UVC is filtered by the ozone layer in the atmosphere. This ozone layer is decreasing due to atmospheric pollution and hence the amount of UVC filtering through the atmosphere is increasing. This has lead to concerns about the increasing incidence of skin cancer.

UVA + UVB Sun Danger: Features of UV Rays

‘B’ for burning (sunburns) ‘A’ for ageing (visual wrinkling, pigmentation disorders and sun spots)
2% of all sunlight 98% of all sunlight
penetrates less penetrates less deep
Pigmentation – delayed tanning Causes an increase in melanin Pigmentation in hours responsible for immediate tanning is the most commonest cause of allergic reactions
Produces DNA mutations leading to skin cancers Penetrates deeper / present throughout the year
Intensity of UVB is highest during Midday Penetrates window glass and cloud cover (exposure possible during indoors & driving)

Does everyone react the same to sunlight? Sunlight Skin Problems

People are divided into different skin types based on the amount of melanin (the pigment that gives us our skin colour) content in our skin, and on the capacity of our skin to darken or tan in response to sunlight. The following is one type of classification

• Type-1 Always burn, never tan

• Type-2 Usually burn, tan with difficulty

• Type-3 Sometimes burn, sometimes tan

• Type-4 Burn minimally, always tan

• Type-5 Rarely burn, tan profusely

• Type-6 Never burn, deeply tanned

People with skin types I (like the Irish) and II (some Caucasians) tend to have a higher risk of developing skin changes caused by sunlight exposure. Most South Indians are of types 3-5. Melanin pigment present in our skin absorbs harmful UV rays and protects us from skin cancer.

What is tanning?

Tanning is a natural defence of the skin but is not effective against excessive exposure.

UVL in the sun causes tanning in 2 phases viz immediate pigment darkening (IPD) and delayed tanning (DT). IPD is a rapid darkening which begins soon after UVL exposure and is maximal immediately afterwards. It is due to UVA.  It fades within a few minutes if the intensity of the exposure is small. DT is induced by UVB and occurs about 3 days after sun exposure. Indians are at greater risk of tanning than developing a sunburn due to their skin type. So as a preventive measure, dermatologists recommend the use of sunscreen every day to minimise pigmentation and signs of ageing. 

What is sunburn? 

This is an acute skin response to excessive UVL exposure and manifests as redness in Bangalore. It may be associated with pain and swelling. Sunburn is mainly caused by the UVB component. It begins several hours after exposure and reaches a peak after 12-24 hours. Longer exposures cause a more rapid and persistent response. The redness (burn) fades over several days to be followed by skin peeling and tanning.

sun exposure skin problems

Photo ageing

Repeated exposures to sunlight will, in the long term, cause photo ageing to the skin. The skin becomes coarse and rough. wrinkled, leathery with uneven pigmentation and easy bruising. Skin with severe photo ageing tends to develop skin cancers. Most of these skin cancers can be easily removed by surgery, but sometimes they can erode deep into the tissues or spread to other organs. However, skin cancer is very rare in Indians because of the presence of melanin which acts as natural sunscreen.

Abnormal skin reactions to sunlight? 

There are certain skin and medical conditions that are made worse or aggravated by sunlight. These include a common condition called MELASMA – which causes brown-black pigmentation on cheeks in women. These patients in particular should use sunscreens and avoid sunlight. 

Sunlight can also on its own, cause certain abnormal skin reactions. These are called photodermatoses. Some of these are of unknown cause and can occur in any age group. An example is the polymorphous light eruption which is quite common in Europe and the United States.

Few abnormal skin reactions to sunlight could be due to contact with certain chemicals or due to the ingestion of certain medications. Examples are contacting with musk ambrette, a synthetic perfume used in male colognes, or ingestion of certain antibiotics or anti-diabetic medications. Avoidance of the offending agent usually clears the condition.

What is the Role of Sun protection?

It is essential to avoid excessive sun exposure. The sun’s rays are strongest between the hours of 10 am to 3 pm. Clothing also has some bearing on the effects of sun exposure. Cotton fabrics provide superior protection from sunlight and tightly woven fabrics afford better protection than loose weaves. Additionally, one could use broad-rimmed hats, umbrellas etc to shield themselves from the sun. In addition to this, the use of sunscreen is an important part of one’s daily basic routine. 

Types of Sunscreens

There are basically two types of sunscreens: –

  • Physical sunscreens contain opaque, physical barriers such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide which reflect the light energy.
  • Chemical sunscreens, which contain chemical ingredients such as para amino-benzoic acid, and avobenzone, absorb the ultraviolet rays.

What is SPF?

The SPF (Sun Protection Factor) indicates the degree of protection the sunscreen offers. Generally, an SPF of 20 or more is advised. Always opt for a sunscreen which absorbs both UVA and UVB in Bangalore. 

As a guide, most sunscreens should be applied at least twenty to thirty minutes before going out. You should re-apply after prolonged swimming or excessive perspiration.

What is UVA Index? PA +, ++ , etc ?

In spite of high SPF, certain products hardly provide any protection against UVA.  So, choose a sun care product that is as effective against UVA rays as against UVB rays.  UVS index is the protection against photo ageing and immediate pigmentation.  UVA  16 increases 16 times the natural resistance of the skin against UVA.

Pointers to keep in mind before purchasing a sunscreen

Check the texture and opt according to your requirements for a fluid, gel, cream or milk.  Prefer sunscreens which spread easily without leaving shite marks.  Look for the mention “non-comedogenic and hypo-allergenic”

Certain products do not resist water or sand friction.  The protective filter is altered and Uvs can reach the skin.  Look for the mention “water and sand resistant” above all “for children” products.  Water-resistant sunscreens protect the skin for 40-60 minutes of water exposure. Your dermatologist at the Venkat Center Bangalore will evaluate you for the best sunscreen for your skin.

How to apply sunscreen – Must know facts!

Apply the sunscreen product 20-30 minutes before moving outdoors, repeat application should be necessary after every 2 hours. 2 – 3 entire lengths of fingers ( index and middle fingers) worth of quantity for face and neck.  

50%-80% of the rays break through the cloud. Hence, even on a cloudy day, sun care products must be applied regularly.

For children:

No exposure to the sun for children below 3 years of age – over 3 years of age protect children using a maximum sunscreen without forgetting a hat, t-shirt and sunglasses.

We hope this article addresses all your queries on sun protection and sunscreens. If you have any questions, contact us at the Venkat center in Bangalore

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