Dr. Aniketh Venkatram answers a crucial question that he often gets asked about driving or riding after a gynecomastia surgical procedure. Firstly, gynecomastia is a surgical procedure done to remove excess fat form the chest region. At The Venkat Center, Dr. Aniketh specifically states that the gynecomastia surgery is done with the help of local anaesthesia and not under general anaesthesia as commonly done.
Gynecomastia is a surgical procedure that removes fat from the chest area and post the surgery a device called Bodytite is used to tighten the skin so that it sticks to the underlying tissue. Dr. Aniketh mentions that the first two weeks after the procedure driving a car or riding a two-wheeler is a strict no. This is because the chest area needs rest after the surgery.
By about three to four weeks after the surgery, people will pretty much come back to normal, and they can get back to normal activities like using the gym and so on.
What causes Gynecomastia?
The most common cause of gynaecomastia is puberty. Men also have breast gland tissue like women, but in most men, it doesn’t develop. Simply put all individuals have both male and female sex hormones. In men, male hormones are higher than female. During puberty, this hormone balance may temporarily get altered. This alteration stimulates the breast glands which grow and look like breasts. Unfortunately, even when the hormone levels normalise, this breast tissue doesn’t go away.
Gynecomastia can occur due to other hormonal abnormalities that affect the balance of male and female sex hormones. Several drugs also cause hormonal changes and gynecomastia. It is important to be seen by a qualified surgeon to rule out any underlying condition causing it for long-term results.
One other important cause of gynecomastia that is, unfortunately, becoming more common is the use of steroids in gyms. Oftentimes, men are pressured to take anabolic steroids. These steroids are converted in the body to female hormones and can stimulate gynecomastia.
What are the stages of gynecomastia?
There are various classifications for gynecomastia. The stages are shown along with actual results after gynecomastia surgery from The Venkat Center in Bangalore.
• Grade One – Mild enlargement of the breast bud concentrated behind the areola.
• Grade Two – Breast growth spreading beyond the areola with edges that blend with the chest wall.
• Grade Three – Breast growth spreading beyond the areola, with clear edges and redundant skin.
• Grade Four – Marked breast enlargement with redundant skin and feminisation of the breast.
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