

Dr Aniketh Venkataram and the Venkat Center are proud to introduce piezo rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty Cost in Bangalore

A Piezotome is a specialized bone cutting device that uses the piezoelectric effect to produce fine vibrations that can cut bone precisely. The amazing part of this is that at this vibration frequency, soft tissue like cartilage is not injured. The comeg piezotome allows us to improve bone shaping in rhinoplasty, thereby giving sharper, finer results as well as correcting deviations more thoroughly. At the Venkat Center, we are always striving to improve our services and technologies to give the best possible results to our patients.

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Nose plastic surgery in Bangalore (Nose Job)

The nose is one of the most important features of the face. Indeed, in Hindi, the phrase ‘to have one’s nose cut off’ means to lose your dignity. Noses can come in all shapes and sizes, particularly in India, where people come from many races and walks of life.

At the Venkat Center for Skin ENT and Plastic Surgery, we are proud to offer top-tier services in nose surgery in Bangalore. Our expert team offers a range of procedures, from simple to complex, ensuring high-quality results tailored to your unique needs.

Nose plastic surgery in Bangalore, especially at our center, is not just about altering your appearance, but enhancing your natural beauty and life quality. Whether it’s functional correction, injury repair, or cosmetic refinement, our nose plastic surgery services in Bangalore are designed for you.

Contact the Venkat Center today to learn more about our nose surgery options. We’re committed to delivering unmatched patient care and satisfaction, making us the premier choice for rhinoplasty in Bangalore. Your journey to improve confidence and wellbeing starts here.

Nose Job Surgery: Patient sharing his Experience | Rhinoplasty | Venkat Center

What is Rhinoplasty? How much does nose surgery cost?

Rhinoplasty or nose job is the name of the surgery used to aesthetically improve the features of the nose. Rhinoplasty is regarded as one of the more difficult cosmetic surgeries. It is important that the operating surgeon be well trained. With good planning and technique, pleasing results can be attained in nearly all cases. Read on to know more

How is Rhinoplasty done by an expert surgeon? A complete walkthrough on how a nose job is done

Check out our rhinoplasty surgery patient experiences

Do you need rhinoplasty (nose job)?

Most of us notice someone’s nose only when it is not in balance with their face, whether it’s too large, too wide, or misshapen. If you are dissatisfied with the shape or proportion of your nose, you are likely dissatisfied with your overall facial appearance.

Who is a candidate for rhinoplasty?

Someone who wants to

  • Enhance the size or shape of the nose
rhinoplasty patients from the venkat center
Augmentation rhinoplasty at Venkat Center Bangalore
  • Reduce or increase the height of the nose

rhinoplasty patients from the venkat center

  • Narrow or broaden the dorsum
  • Make tip sharper, more prominent
rhinoplasty patients from the venkat center
tip rhinoplasty at venkat center Bangalore
  • Correct hanging tip
  • Narrow base of nose
  • Reduce nostril size
  • Repairing damage caused by an injury
  • Improving or restoring breathing
  • Complementing another facial sculpting procedure, such as eyelid surgery or a face lift

We at Venkat center have best rhinoplasty surgeon in Bangalore, to perform nose surgery for our patients.

What are the three types of rhinoplasty procedures for patients in India?


These are patients who have no functional problems and are looking to improve the look of their nose. This can involve any of the following:

  • Reduce or increase the height of the nose
  • Narrow or broaden the dorsum
  • Make tip sharper, more prominent
  • Correct hanging tip
  • Narrow base of nose
  • Reduce nostril size

Nose Reshaping Story: Rhinoplasty Review | Venkat Center, Bangalore



Functional Rhinoplasty Surgery to improve Breathing: Watch the Patient reaction after procedure

This kind of nose surgery involves patients who have issues with their breathing. This can involve several reasons

  • Repairing damage caused by an injury- an old fracture
  • Deviated nasal septum
  • Hypertrophied tubinates
  • Septal spurs

These patients need to be evaluated properly and often need a CT scan before they can be properly diagnosed.

septum correction

Rhinoplasty Experience: Real Stories from Patients Undergoing the Procedure at Venkat Center


Often, patients who have had a rhinoplasty previously with another surgeon and aren’t happy with the result or have been left with functional problems. These are challenging cases that need specialized treatment.

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Secondary rhinoplasty at Venkat Center Bangalore

Good candidates are usually young adults above 18 (though good results can be attained in older age groups). It is best if the candidate has a clear idea of what they are looking for with realistic expectations and positive goals.

Rhinoplasty consultation

Consultation for rhinoplasty surgery

During your rhinoplasty consultation, your nose will be evaluated by Dr. Aniketh both cosmetically and functionally and compared to established ideals. You will also be asked about your goals and expectations. Other aspects of your face will also be evaluated for overall facial harmony. Numerous measurements and values are taken to provide a complete evaluation of your face.

Functional examination

Your nasal cavity will be evaluated to rule out any breathing issues, such as a deviated septum. If indicated, a CT scan may be performed to evaluate the situation further. It is important to keep in mind that form cannot take priority over function. It is important to have a nose that breathes at the end of the day. This cannot be compromised for an unrealistic cosmetic correction. Dr. Aniketh will guide you in making the best decision in this regard.

Rhinoplasty- what happens before surgery? (nosejob). Venkat Center Bangalore. India Plastic Surgery


Finally, a customized plan will be made to suit your nose. This will be simulated on your photographs on a computer (although it is important to remember this is a simulation only). The simulation provides an idea of what the goals of the surgery are. It is a blueprint. It cannot be guaranteed that the final results will match the simulation as this depends on many factors including your healing capacity.

Other Factors

Often the nose is not the only unbalanced factor in the face. The chin might be retruded or face tissue might be sagging. Dr. Aniketh will advise and guide you on these issues as well, which can be addressed during the surgery itself.

The final plan

Once the plan is agreed on by both Dr. Aniketh and you, the next step towards nose surgery is taken.

Points to note before rhinoplasty procedure

  • Your general physical examination and some routine lab tests are done to evaluate your fitness for surgery.
  • It is important you stop smoking for 2 weeks prior to surgery.
  • The operation is performed under general anesthesia however, the majority of the patients can be discharged a few hours following surgery feeling quite comfortable and generally free of pain.

What happens during rhinoplasty surgery?

Rhinoplasty surgery is done as an outpatient procedure under general or local anesthesia, depending on individual circumstances. In either case, you will not feel any pain during the procedure.

Rhinoplasty- what happens during surgery? (nosejob). Venkat Center Bangalore. India Plastic Surgery

  • During the procedure, Dr. Aniketh will make incisions in the nostrils.
  • Depending on your requirement, this can be done by open method (with an incision across columella) or closed method (without this incision).
  • The nasal structure is then exposed.
  • Various manipulations are made as needed on the bone, cartilage and soft tissue. The overall plan is to bring balance to the nose. This is done by both sutures as well as grafts
  • If there is excess cartilage causing humps, it is removed.
  • If there isn’t enough cartilage causing depression, it is added.
  • If the cartilage is bent or out of shape it is sutured properly.
  • The bones are too wide, they are narrowed.
  • Any other medical issues such as deviated septum, the septal spur will also be corrected at the same time.
  • If the nostrils are wide, they are narrowed.
  • For damaged noses or secondary cases, it may be necessary to harvest cartilage from other parts of the body such as ear or chest. This is usually needed only in extreme cases.
  • Once the reshaping process is complete, the skin will be put back in place and the incisions sealed. A splint is then applied.

What can I expect after nose surgery?

You will have nasal splints and gauze for a week after rhinoplasty surgery, with swelling and bruising for up to 2 weeks, which will then start to diminish, but would be slightly visible for a few months post-surgery.

Here are some of our Patients

How much time will it take to recover?

Generally, patients are able to return to normal activities such as work or school after 1 week. Strenuous sports, exercises, swimming, or other heavy physical activities should be curtailed for approximately 3 to 6 additional weeks.

You and your surgeon will continue to notice some swelling for a few months after surgery, but most casual observers will only notice something nice and different about your face.

Most people are able to get back to routine work within 2 weeks after surgery, as the obvious bruising and swelling subside by then. Most of the change to your nose shape will be evident within 2–12 weeks of surgery, but gradual changes will continue for up to a year, whereupon your new nose shape will become fully established.

Most people are able to get back to routine work within 2 weeks after surgery, as the obvious bruising and swelling subside by then. Most of the change to your nose shape will be evident within 2-12 weeks from surgery, but gradual changes will continue for up to a year, whereupon your new nose shape will become fully established.

However, it may take a few months before you can resume strenuous activity, and your surgeon will guide you about that, and also how to have a speedy recovery.

Precautions after rhinoplasty surgery?

  • Sleep with head-end elevated.
  • Avoid facial massage.
  • Avoid smoking for 3 weeks.
  • Splint removal at 7 days.
  • Continue taping at daytime till 10 days. Then at night time for 3 weeks.
  • Steam inhalation three times a day for 2 weeks.
  • Keep suture line clean.
  • Don’t blow your nose for two weeks. Sneeze with open mouth.
  • Avoid lifting heavy objects for 4 weeks.
  • Avoid the gym, straining for 4 weeks.

Rhinoplasty- what happens after surgery? (nosejob). Venkat Center Bangalore. India Plastic Surgery

  • Eat soft food for 2 weeks after surgery.
  • Some mild bleeding might be seen. It is normal.
  • There can be some bruising and swelling. It will reduce.
  • Your nose may feel numb. It will recover.
  • Your breathing might feel different. You will get accustomed to it.
  • You can return to work after 2 weeks.
  • The result will continue to improve as the skin redrapes and swelling reduces. Full result will be seen at 6-12 months.
  • Use sunscreen over the nose and face while going outdoors for 3 months after the surgery.
  • Avoid any nasal trauma, even minor one while the nose is recovering.
  • Write to [email protected] for any clarifications.

Can rhinoplasty be non-surgical?

Traditionally, the only method for cosmetic correction of the nose involved surgery. However, the wide range of nose fillers available today has led to a newer alternative of non-surgical rhinoplasty.

filler rhinoplasty

Filler rhinoplasty by Dr Aniketh for bulbous, drooping tip

Non Surgical Rhinoplasty Non Surgical Rhinoplasty

What is non surgical rhinoplasty?

What is Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty?

Simply put, it is the technique of improving the appearance of the nose using injectable fillers. Fillers are injected to alter the appearance of the nose in an outpatient setting with no downtime. It can be used for:

  • Smoothing out bumps
  • Correcting asymmetry
  • Improving shape post-injury
  • Raising or pointing the tip
  • Creating roundness

nonsurgical rhinoplasty
The nose fillers used are temporary and last for upto a year. For people happy and satisfied with the results, the procedure can be repeated again. For those looking for a longer term alternative, a nonsurgical rhinoplasty is a good way to do a ‘test drive’ before surgery.

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty for Nose Job Correction|Real Procedure & Patient Review|Results in Minutes!

Who is a good candidate for filler rhinoplasty?

Anybody who would like to change the appearance of their nose but does not want to have surgery. The technique can be used on any of the following:

  • A hump on the nasal bridge.
  • Left to right, or right to left asymmetry.
  • A depressed nasal bridge.
  • A nose that is small, or lacks definition
  • A drooping tip, needing elevation

If you have had previous nasal surgery, it is unlikely that you are suitable for this procedure.

What happens during a liquid rhinoplasty?

Local anesthesia cream is applied to the nose. And then the filler is injected in the required locations. Afterward, the patient goes home the same day and continues all daily activities. After the procedure, there can be minor bruising or swelling in a minority of patients which is temporary. The results are seen immediately and last for 1 year.

Rhinoplasty cost in India

Rhinoplasty surgery cost in Bangalore, is very affordable and the price depends on what exactly is needed. It can vary from a simple tip surgery to a complex secondary rhinoplasty. Non surgical rhinoplasty is far more affordable than surgical. At the Venkat Center in Bangalore, we can assure you of high quality treatment at an affordable cost, with dedicated care before, during and after the procedure.

The factors determining the rhinoplasty cost in Bangalore are:

  • Extent of the nose job
  • Need for functional correction
  • Primary or secondary rhinoplasty
  • Need for rib cartilage

The nose surgery cost in Bangalore, and more broadly in India, usually varies from Rs 50000 to 140000 (excluding taxes, investigations and medications).

Contact us for a consultation and a personalized quote on the rhinoplasty cost in Bangalore.

What’s special in The Venkat Center Bangalore

Dr. Aniketh will guide you through every step of the procedure. During the consultation, your nose will be evaluated by Dr. Aniketh both cosmetically and functionally and compared to established ideals.

You will also be asked about your goals and expectations. Other aspects of your face will also be evaluated for overall facial harmony. Numerous measurements and values are taken to provide a complete evaluation of your face.

A customized plan will be made to suit your nose. This will be simulated on your photographs on a computer. The simulation provides an idea of what the goals of the surgery are.

Once the plan is agreed on by both Dr. Aniketh and you, we move onto the next phase that includes regular tests to evaluate your fitness for the surgery.

Rhinoplasty- Why choose us? (nosejob). Venkat Center Bangalore. India Plastic Surgery

About the Doctor

Dr. Aniketh is a highly trained and experienced cosmetic surgeon, having worked with experts in nose plastic surgery all over the globe. He has been trained in both non-surgical and surgical rhinoplasty.


Dr. Aniketh travelled to Istanbul, the global hub of rhinoplasty to train with several experts.

  • Dr. Nazim Cerkes- secondary rhinoplasty, open rhinoplasty
  • Dr. Baris Cakir – Closed rhinoplasty
  • Dr. Hakan Gence – Open Rhinoplasty
  • Dr. Reha Yavuzer – Closed rhinoplasty


Dr Kassir recommends Dr Aniketh

Dr. Aniketh also has trained with several experts in the USA:

Dr. Aniketh with Dr. Rod Rohrich of the Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute. Dr. Rohrich is a World leader in Rhinoplasty and Facelift.

Dr. Aniketh with Dr. Rod Rohrich of the Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute. Dr. Rohrich is a World leader in Rhinoplasty and Facelift.

Dr. Aniketh with Dr. Carlos Wolf, an expert in closed rhinoplasty

Dr. Aniketh with Dr. Carlos Wolf, an expert in closed rhinoplasty

Dr. Aniketh with Dr. Kassir, an expert in open and nonsurgical rhinoplasty

Dr. Aniketh with Dr. Kassir, an expert in open and nonsurgical rhinoplasty

Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a difficult procedure and should not be attempted by novices. The wrong placement of nose fillers can lead to complications. Dr. Aniketh has trained in this field under a master of this procedure, Dr. Ramtin Kassir ( in New York and is co-authoring a publication with him on the same topic.


In addition, he has published an article on rhinoplasty. To learn more please write to [email protected].

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