
Efficacy of PRP with Microneedling in Androgenetic Alopecia

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  • Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a newer modality of treatment for Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA)
  • An autologous concentration of platelets in a fraction of plasma prepared from the patient’s own blood.
  • Platelet concentration obtained is 4-7 times (1,000,000/μL) above baseline (2,00,000 cells/μL)
  • Simple, safe office-based procedure.
  • AGA is a patterned hair loss in either sex with only minoxidil and finasteride as the FDA-approved medication.
  • Both medications have limitations due to slower results, and side effects profiles leading to less compliance.
  • PRP can be an adjuvant/alternate treatment in AGA.

Materials & Methods

  • 60 patients diagnosed with AGA selected (48 males and 12 females).
  • Patients who did not respond to topical Minoxidil and oral Finasteride were included.
  • Observational study from August 2015 to October 2017.
  • Exclusion criteria- H/o bleeding disorders, Uncontrolled diabetes, Unrealistic expectations, anti-coagulant therapy, Keloidal tendency.
  • Proper informed consent was taken.
  • Photographs were taken at each session.
  • Icing and Vibration during therapy was given for all patients.
  • Anesthesia was given for apprehensive patients-
    • Ring block on scalp
    • Topical EMLA
  • After cleaning the area to be treated, microneedling was done over the scalp followed by application of PRP.
  • Patient was sent home and asked to apply minoxidil at home.
  • The sessions were repeated at interval of 4 weeks.
Effect of PRP treatment on androgenetic alopecia PSS v/s OAS table
Table 1: Grading and preformance of improvement
PAtietns who underwent longer treatetments
Table 2: P Value


  • Patient satisfaction scores (PSS) and Objective assessment score (OAS) were graded based on visual analog score(TABLE 1) ( Fig 1)
  • According to subjective scores 48 patients had good to excellent results. According to objective scoring, 49 patients had good to very good results. (Fig 2)
  • An attempt was also made to analyse the number of sessions required since there are no standard protocols (Fig 3)
  • 50/60 patients underwent 4 sessions. 40 patients had very good results with 4 sessions (p value <0.05) as in Table 2.
PRP with microneedling
Fig. 1: Patients before and after PRP treatment
Graphical representation of table 1
Fig. 2: Graphical representation of Table 1


  • PRP is a simple, safe and good treatment modality for AGA. Our study shows that PRP is an effective treatment modality for AGA.
  • Alternate for those who failed to / are apprehensive about medical therapy like finasteride and minoxidil.
  • DIFFERNTIAL CENTRIFUGATION is the basic principle in PRP, wherein cells are separated based on their specific gravities.
  • GFs particularly PDGF and VEGF, along with many other GFs, cytokines and proteins released from PRP stimulate dermal papilla cells through mitogenesis and angiogenesis.
  • Micro-needling done prior to PRP application has the following advantages.
    • Reduces need of multiple injections of PRP.
    • Facilitates uniform absorption of PRP.
    • Induces inflammatory response recruits GFs and increases blood supply.
  • PRP can be used an adjunct to hair transplantation also.
  • Our study also provides evidence that at least 4 sessions are needed to get good results in AGA (p<0.05), further randomized clinical trials are required to establish this as a standard protocol.
  • Further limitations of this study are there is no control/comparison group for the study.
  • Larger population-based trials have to be carried out to validate use of PRP as monotherapy modality and to establish standard protocols like centrifugation, activators, number of sessions required, etc.

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