
Events Attended

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Dr. Venkataram has been a prominent authority in Dermatology and is often called upon to deliver talks at various conferences.

Recetly Dr. Venkataram attended Spring Continental Congress of Dermatology, Tehran, Iran. He shared his knowledge on

  • Hair transplantation- what works what does not work
  • Safety of laser procedures in patients on isotretinoin

Here are some images from the event.

Dr. Venkataram at Continental Congress of Dermatology

Here are some images from his past ACSI-CON.

ACSICON addressingAcsicon arrivalAcsicon escortedACSIcon presenting-momento

Dr. Venkataram & Dr. Jayashree have also attended Haircon to deliver talks on various topics. Here are some images.

Dr. Jayashree at HairconDr. Venkat at HairconDr. Venkat at HairconDr. Venkat at HairconDr. Venkat at Haircon

Our Facilities

Introduction about "THE VENKAT CENTER" by Dr Aniketh Venkataram

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