Facelift in India

What is a facelift?
When performed properly, neck lift or facelift surgery can have a profound anti-ageing effect that makes you look like a younger version of yourself. Dr. Aniketh Venkataram uses a comprehensive approach to facial surgery that addresses not only the skin, but also the underlying muscles, fat, and fascia to create more natural-looking, longer-lasting changes.
Facelift: Procedure and Benefits | Anti-Aging Surgery in India | Venkat Center Bangalore
Dr. Aniketh Venkataram has been trained in several facelift techniques and tailors the surgery as per the patient’s requirements. These include:
The MACS lift: The MACS lift was a revolutionary new procedure. This technique added a number several advantages of a full SMAS facelift to the traditional Mini-lift. It was created in Belgium by Dr.Verpaele and Dr. Tonnard under whom Dr Aniketh Venkataram trained under. This is ideal for patients with only facial changes who do not need a necklift.
The lift and fill face and necklift: This technique was created by Dr. Rod Rohrich in the USA, under whom Dr. Aniketh Venkataram trained. It is a comprehensive technique to address the full face and neck along with fat grafting.

Who is a good candidate?
- Middle-aged
- Good physical condition
- Ideally, non-smokers stop smoking 4 weeks before surgery
What are the advantages of a facelift at Venkat Center?
The advantages of the MACS lift are:
- Short procedure: 1.5 – 2 hours
- Corrects muscle and connective tissue using vertical lifting
- Natural-looking effect
- Long-lasting results
- Fast recovery: 7 to 14 days
- Small scar: in the fold in front of the ear
- Safe, with very few complications
What does facelift surgery involve?
This method achieves a long-lasting lift. This is also the secret of the invisible scars: all the tension is subcutaneous: and there is barely any traction on the skin itself. Your sagging neck, lower chin and cheeks are corrected subcutaneously and only a very small amount of skin is removed.
The tension on the skin and the subcutaneous tissues is applied in a vertical and not a horizontal direction. This prevents the face from looking as though it has been ‘pulled taut’ and the rejuvenating corrective procedure produces a completely natural look.
- The incision is made in the crease in front of the ear. The incision follows the natural crease in the skin so that after a few months the scar is barely noticeable.

- Through this incision, Dr. Aniketh Venkataram detaches the skin from the cheeks up to the corner of the jaw near the neck.
- The underlying muscles are tightened and lifted vertically. They are anchored to the immobile temple region with two strong sutures.

- Excess fat under the chin can be sucked away if necessary via a small hole the size of a pin-prick.
- When all the subcutaneous skin structures have been corrected the skin is tightened so that it looks natural.
- Excess skin is removed and the small incision in front of the ear is stitched up. This skin is removed in a vertical direction which is what gives the natural appearance.

What else can be done with a facelift?
The facelift is often combined with another rejuvenating treatment: eyelid correction, lipo-sculpture of the lower chin, filling the wrinkles around the corners of the mouth. Botox or an eyebrow lift can help to correct wrinkles on the forehead. Dental treatment or lipo-filling could be an option to compensate for the loss of bone in the lower jaw.
What does the recovery after a facelift involve?
- You would be admitted for one night and sent home the next day.
- You would need rest for 5 days to a week.
- Sutures are removed at one week.
- Some bruising is to be expected after the surgery which would take two weeks to resolve.
- Most patients feel ready to be seen in the third week after surgery.
- The incisions would progressively heal and fade over the next few months.
What is the cost of Facelift Surgery in Bangalore?
Cost can be varied depending on the excess area of the face. Contact us or drop a query to know more about the cost & surgery details.
Why trust Dr. Aniketh Venkataram with your facelift surgery?
Dr. AnikethVenkataram has been trained in the MACS lift (Minimal Access Cranial Suspension) by the creators of this technique, Dr. Verpale and Dr. Tonnard in Ghent, Belgium.

Dr. Aniketh Venkataram has trained with Dr. Rod Rohrich, a world leader in rhinoplasty and facelift, at the Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute in the USA for the lift and fill facelift.

Updated on 12 April 2019