
Medical Treatment for Hair Loss

Hair Loss Treatment in Bangalore, India

Contrary to common belief that hair loss treatment solely relies on hair transplants, the reality is far more diverse. Numerous non-surgical medical remedies exist for addressing hair loss effectively.

Curious about the comprehensive hair loss solutions in Bangalore? Here are the two components of hair fall treatment.

They are:

  1. Preserving the hair you already have
  2. Replacing lost hair
hair loss treatment in Bangalore

How do you preserve hair?

Preserving the already present hair is done by preventing further hair loss and strengthening the hair present. This is done by medical hair treatment, low-level lasers, PRP, and other measures such as improving lifestyle, a good diet, avoiding stress, refraining from smoking etc. The simple thing to understand is that hair loss doesn’t happen overnight. Strong thick hair becomes thin and weak, and then the root is lost. This takes years – so treatment also takes time.


With medical treatment for hair fall, these weak hairs can be made strong again and retained on the scalp. This is done first with drugs such as Minoxidil and Finasteride and in later cases with PRP.

How do you replace lost hair?

No drug can create a new follicle, despite what people may claim. Surgical transplantation of hair remains the sole method for replacing a lost follicle effectively.

Hence it is important to understand that a complete treatment of hair loss consists of both medical and surgical treatment. There is no point in surgically replacing hair and continuing to lose more hair at the same time.

What are the various Non-Surgical Treatments for Hairfall?

  1. Medical hair treatment- minoxidil, finasteride etc
  2. Biological hair treatment: Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy.
  3. Physical or energy-based hair treatment: Low level Lasers.
  4. Cosmetic hair treatment: Scalp micropigmentation, hair powders, wigs (hair fixing, weaving, bonding etc)

What are the medicines available to treat Hairfall?

It is very important to understand that male pattern hair loss is a progressive condition and hence patients need a combination of drugs in addition to HT. Otherwise, fresh areas will become bald in the future. Presently, there are different drugs approved for hair treatment.

Approved drugs for medical hair loss treatment:

  • Minoxidil lotions 2%, 3%, 5%, 7%, 10%, 12.5% – it has to be applied daily twice over the affected area for effective results.
  • Finasteride 1mg tablets (propecia) – to be taken once daily for 3-4 years and is considered more effective over the vertex.
  • Combination of minoxidil with other drugs such as retinoic acid, azelaic Acid.
  • Peptides, which are new drugs.
Medical treatment for hairloss | patient experience at Venkat Center Bangalore

Medical treatment for hair loss | Patient experience at Venkat Center Bangalore

How does Minoxidil work?

Minoxidil is a medication that helps to strengthen and thicken miniaturised hair. It does this by opening blood vessels in the scalp and increasing blood flow to the hairs. It is available as a lotion that is applied to the scalp once or twice a day. It is the mainstay of medical hair treatment.

ಮಿನೊಕ್ಸಿಡಿಲ್ ಬಗ್ಗೆ. Minoxidil for hairloss (kannada). Venkat Center Bangalore. India Hair Transplant

ಮಿನೊಕ್ಸಿಡಿಲ್ ಬಗ್ಗೆ. Minoxidil for hair-loss (kannada). Venkat Center Bangalore. India Hair Transplant

Are there any side effects of Minoxidil?

Minoxidil can have some minor side effects like itching and redness. This usually happens due to other compounds in the formulation and not the minoxidil itself. As several different types of minoxidil are available such as water-based, oil-based, foam, etc., it is usually possible to find some formulation that the patient is comfortable with.

How does Finasteride work?

Finasteride is the first approved prescription pill to grow hair. It is the only medication that directly works on the cause of hair loss by reducing the hormonal action on hair. It is available as both a tablet and a lotion in combination with minoxidil.

It works best for the earliest stages of hair loss, and growth occurs better over the crown of the scalp than at the frontal receding hairline and temples. It must be used daily for 3-6 months before you can properly assess whether it works, and it has not yet been approved for use in women. As with minoxidil, the hair grown with this treatment also will fall out once the drug is stopped.

Finasteride for hair loss- Is it safe? (Any side effects?). Venkat Center Bangalore

Finasteride for hairloss- Is it safe? (Any side effects?). Venkat Center Bangalore

Are there any side effects to finasteride?

The two above-mentioned drugs are the most effective – time tested and safe – with level A evidence.

As for side effects, any drug that causes an effect will always have a side effect. No drug is without side effects. So the real question that should be asked is whether these side effects are serious/ permanent or treatable.

ಫಿಆಸ್ಟರೈಡ್ (finasteride) ಕೂದಲು ಉದುರುವಿಕೆಗೆ ಚಿಕಿತ್ಸೆ. India Hair Transplant Venkat Center Bangalore

ಫಿಆಸ್ಟರೈಡ್ (finasteride) ಕೂದಲು ಉದುರುವಿಕೆಗೆ ಚಿಕಿತ್ಸೆ. India Hair Transplant Venkat Center Bangalore

Finasteride is a safe drug except for mild itching that may occur and finasteride is the best drug presently available for treating baldness. However, there is a lot of misguided and exaggerated fear regarding the use of finasteride and its side effects of impotence and infertility. It has been found in several studies that in baldness, at a dosage of only 1 mg per day or 5 mg weekly, it is relatively safe.

Doctor, what is your opinion regarding these drugs and their side effects?

Expert Insights on Drug Safety

In our experience, we have found the drug to be safe. As a matter of caution, we use the drug at half the recommended dose, i.e. 1 tablet on alternate days, and have found it to be effective and safe. We recommend that the drug be taken without any hesitation. At the same time, we recognise the right of a patient and in case the patient is not willing to take the drug, we emphasise that the patient should understand that:

  • There are only two proven drugs for treating pattern hair loss.
  • The intake of drugs is not compulsory, but entirely voluntary. These are not life saving drugs; therefore, a doctor does not force any patient to take them.
  • If out of any fear improper evidence, the patient decides not to take them, it is entirely his decision-however, there are no other proven drug alternatives and therefore he should accept future hair loss and further sessions of transplantations.
  • There are only two proven drugs for treating pattern hair loss.
  • The intake of drugs is not compulsory, but entirely voluntary. These are not life-saving drugs; therefore, a doctor does not force any patient to take them.
  • If out of any fear of improper evidence, the patient decides not to take them, it is entirely his choice, there are no other proven drug alternatives and therefore he should accept future hair loss and further sessions of transplantations.

The patient is referred to the guidelines for the use of finasteride drafted by Dr Venkataram Mysore at Mysore V, Shashikumar B M. Guidelines on the use of finasteride in androgenetic alopecia. Indian J DermatolVenereolLeprol 2016;82:128-34

Note: Side effects are like accidents – they are rare. There is no drug without side effects – don’t search for amrut in this world.

Trust your doctor to give it wisely – don’t trust social media or Dr. Google. Don’t self-medicate.

How long do I take medical hairfall treatment?

The drugs do not cure the condition therefore there is no fixed period. As long as one wants to maintain their hair, they have to be taken, which in most youngsters means a few several years till they marry, establish their career and settle down.

Lasers: Low level lasers – Laser-comb

Low-level lasers are diode devices that emit low-level lasers to stimulate the hair roots. It is believed to induce hair growth and was approved by the US FDA in 2007 for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia. Both available as combs and laser caps, these devices have been on the market for over a decade, backed by evidence rated at LEVEL B.
Laser treatment for hair loss- What is it? (laser comb). Venkat Center Bangalore

Laser treatment for hairloss- What is it? (laser comb). Venkat Center Bangalore

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About The Doctor

Dr. Aniketh Venkataram was trained in Hair Transplantation, by Dr. Venkataram himself. He is an expert in FUE and has contributed chapters to Dr Venkataram’s books as well as presented numerous talks on the subject.

Dr. Aniketh is trained in all aspects of cosmetic surgery

He was trained in Hair Transplantation, by Dr. Venkataram Mysore himself. He is an expert in FUE and has contributed chapters to Dr. Venkataram’s books as well as presented numerous talks on the subject.

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