There are several areas in the body where liposuction can be done. There are minor differences in technique depending on anatomical variations. Some commonly operated areas are discussed here. What is important to know is that whatever the area, the results depend on the skill of the surgeon, without compromising the safety of the patient.
The priority at the Venkat center is always the safety of the patient.
What are the areas for Liposuction? Chin, arms, thighs, buttocks.
Liposuction of different areas (Chin, arms, thighs, buttocks). Venkat Center Bangalore
Both thighs are done at the same time and therefore this too is a large session. Usually, the outer aspect of the thighs is treated first. Medial (Inner) aspects need more caution as major nerves and vessels run in this area and are therefore done in another session. When thighs are treated, it is usually a continuation of buttocks. Both buttocks can be done in one session.
Thighs are usually sought by women, who would like to wear pants and tight-fitting dresses. The results are quite remarkable and pleasing.
It is important not to do the entire thigh in one sitting, it has to be done as the inner and outer thigh in two sessions. If done together, it can cause circulation issues, and swelling of the legs that takes a long time to subside. Also, since the thigh is a tight area, irregularities can be seen more easily. Hence it must be done smoothly.

Awake liposuction is a very effective method of breast reduction for both women and men with very rapid recovery. Post-operative recovery after liposuction of female and male breasts is very quick, with patients typically able to return to work in one to three days.
Breast reduction with liposuction is effective for small reductions, where there isn’t much sagging of the breast. Larger reductions may require surgical breast reduction to correct the sagging.
Oftentimes, many women who desire breast reduction may have medical issues that can make surgery risky. For them, awake liposuction is a safe alternative to reduce the size of the breast while minimising the risk of surgery.
Female Breasts
In some women, breasts are huge causing shoulder pain, and social embarrassment. Awake Liposuction is a good treatment both for reducing size as well as lifting sagged breasts. For women, liposuction typically reduces the breast size by 35% to 45% and produces a noticeable elevation or lifting of the breasts.
Awake Liposuction elevates the female breasts by removing fat and reducing the weight of the breasts, thus permitting the natural elasticity of breast tissues to contract and give the breast a noticeable lift.
Arms can be treated easily by Awake liposuction with excellent results. Many women complain of excess fat in their arms, which especially looks bad while wearing sleeveless dresses. Surprisingly this can also be the case in women who are otherwise fit. The arm fat is very stubborn and usually does not go easily with exercise.

Care needs to be exerted while doing this in the inner aspect as blood vessels and nerves run here. Also since the arm is a closed structure, it should be done smoothly to avoid irregularities.
What is Awake Liposuction & Why We Recommended It?
At Venkat Center, we recommend Awake Liposuction. Awake Liposuction is the concept of doing the liposuction procedure while the patient is awake & not unconscious. For Awake Liposuction, local anaesthesia is used instead of general anaesthesia. Under general anaesthesia, the patient will be completely unconscious. Local anaesthesia is the technique of giving anaesthesia to the part of the body where the surgery is being done.
Only the area where the anaesthesia is given becomes numb. Due to this, the patient is conscious and awake during the procedure. Traditionally, local anaesthesia could only be given for small areas such as removing a small swelling. However, the advent of a newer technique called tumescent local anesthesia, allows this to be given for a large area. This makes Awake Liposuction possible and also a safe method when compared to Liposuction under general anaesthesia.