
Liposuction in Abdomen

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Liposuction in the abdomen is one of the most sought-after areas, both in men and women. This is a large area and is often associated with pendulous sagging.

In women, there may be a lot of stretch marks, operation scars after a cesarean section, sagging of skin resulting from a previous pregnancy, and flabby skin.

In men, particularly those who exercise vigorously, the tissue may be fibrous and therefore difficult to remove. Liposuction is a simple procedure that helps remove this excess fat to achieve the desired shape.

Liposuction in abdomen

Session details

In many men, for those who consume alcohol, a bulging belly may be because of fat inside the abdomen, not in the skin. In heavily built people, one session may not be enough to remove all the fat. A second session may need to be done after two weeks.

Likewise, fat located at the back may also need a separate session. In those with sagging skin and stretch marks, skin tightening can be achieved by Laser machines and abdominal muscle exercise after surgery.

liposuction in abdomen 

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Tummy liposuction (abdomen)- Is it right for me? India Liposuction. Venkat Center Bangalore

Wearing a pressure garment is particularly important in all cases of liposuction and should be worn for 2 weeks. As skin tightening is done with a laser, long-term use of pressure garments is unnecessary.

It is important to note that the flat appearance of the abdomen results from three components:

  • Tight skin
  • Muscle tone
  • Fat

Of these components, liposuction addresses the issue of fat and to a lesser extent skin tightening; tighter skin further needs skin tightening machines, and muscle tone needs exercise.

The abdomen is the most common area for which liposuction is sought. It is also one area, wherein results make a huge impact cosmetically – patients can wear dresses of lesser size (usually the loss in inches is 3-5 inches). At Venkat Center, we rely on Awake Liposuction, where the liposuction procedure is done under local anaesthesia.

Why is Awake Liposuction recommended?

Awake Liposuction is the concept of doing the liposuction procedure while the patient is awake & not unconscious. For Awake Liposuction, local anaesthesia is used instead of general anaesthesia. Under general anaesthesia, the patient will be completely unconscious. Local anaesthesia is the technique of giving anaesthesia to that part of the body where the surgery is being done. Only the area where the anaesthesia is given becomes numb. Due to this, the patient is conscious and awake during the procedure.

Traditionally, local anaesthesia could only be given for small areas such as removing a small swelling. However, the advent of a newer technique called tumescent local anaesthesia, allows this to be given for a large area. This makes Awake Liposuction possible and also a safe method when compared to Liposuction under general anaesthesia.

Abdominoplasty results at the Venkat Center Bangalore | Bangalore plastic surgery

Abdominoplasty results at the Venkat Center Bangalore | Bangalore plastic surgery

The patient’s Liposuction Surgery results at The Venkat Center

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