What is feminine rejuvenation?
As skin rejuvenation procedures progressed and established a high degree of efficacy and safety, the application of this technology to internal organs started. One such application is what is called vaginal relaxation syndrome which is common in women after childbirth, around menopausal age and elderly women. In these women, vaginal laxity leads to a lack of sexual satisfaction, stress incontinence (sudden discharge of urine) other vaginal symptoms such as dryness, irritation, discharge etc. Similar laxity can also lead to uterine prolapse. Hitherto surgery was the only modality to treat these women. Laser represents a noninvasive safe method of treatment option in those women who have very mild symptoms and do not wish to have surgery or are unfit for surgery.
What is cosmetic gynaecology?
While women were hesitant to seek help for these symptoms earlier, increasing awareness, affluence, and social media have led to an increasing demand for treatment for these complaints, particularly minimally invasive treatments which are clubbed under the terms “ Cosmetic Gynaecology”.
How is laser useful?
Different energy devices have been used to produce new tissue and rejuvenate old tissue. The basic principle is to deliver energy to heat the interior layers of the vagina to stimulate collagen production (as happens when treating facial ageing).This results in a tighter vagina and improvement of the above symptoms. We use a laser called Erbiyum yag laser for this purpose. Other energy sources include Radiofrequency.
How is this treatment done?
The treatment is simple. A special probe is inserted into the vagina and then energy is delivered slowly. The patient feels a little warmth but it is painless and lasts for about 20 minutes. The patient can go home the same day. Sessions are repeated after a month for about 3-5 sessions.
Is this an outpatient treatment?
Yes, it is an OPD treatment.
Who can opt for this treatment?
Any woman who feels vaginal laxity, urgency in urination, lack of sexual desire and satisfaction, dryness of vagina etc can seek this treatment. Thus this treatment is useful for different age groups – young women after delivery as part of a mommy makeover, menopausal women with oestrogen deficiency and older women with stress incontinence and early prolapse. However, patients with early symptoms respond better.
Is it safe?
It is a remarkably safe treatment with minimal side effects
What are the results of these treatments?
In one study, (95%) reported significant (moderate and strong) improvement in their vaginal tightness, and also all of their partners confirmed an improvement in vaginal tightness during sexual intercourse (85% reported significant improvement and 15% reported mild improvement). 95% reported better sex after the treatment.
Five patients had prolapses (of stages 1-3) before receiving the treatment, which improved in all of these patients, leaving just two of them with prolapses (one with stage 1 and one with stage 2). Three patients suffering from SUI before the treatment reported significant improvement (2) and complete healing (1). There were no adverse effects and patient discomfort was assessed as minimal.
The Benefits of these Lasers in Gynecology Include:
- Minimally invasive treatments
- Controlled coagulation
- Greater patient comfort, less downtime and quicker healing
- A haemostatic effect with simultaneous disinfection
- Many treatments do not require anaesthesia
- High-precision, tissue-selective treatments
- Easy access to difficult-to-reach areas
At Venkat Charmalaya, Dr Jayashree Venkataram offers these services through Fotona Ebiyum Yag Lasers- noninvasive treatments through energy (laser) devices which correct and restore the optimum structural form of the vagina and surrounding genital tissues, including improved hydration, elasticity and tightening in the vaginal mucosa. These treatments are called Feminine Rejuvenation,
The treatments offered are Incontilase( for treatment of urinary incontinence and early uterine prolapse ), Intimalase and Renovalase (for female sexual satisfaction).
Fotona was the first manufacturer to introduce the Er: YAG wavelength in gynaecology. Fotona’s Er: YAG lasers, such as the FotonaSmooth XS, feature adjustable cold-to-hot ablation regimes to enable a greater degree of precision as well as controlled bleeding and coagulation effects.
Fotona’s multi-application FotonaSmooth SP lasers also include the homogeneously absorbed Nd: YAG laser wavelength, which penetrates deeper into tissues to create a tightening effect. Combining both wavelengths has proven to be very successful in providing less invasive and more effective clinical and aesthetic gynaecology treatments.