Patients undergoing liposuction can benefit from clear instructions to ensure a successful and safe recovery. It is crucial to understand the signs of complications, such as infection or excessive swelling, and promptly report any concerns to the medical team. By following the instructions for patients about liposuction diligently, individuals can optimise their healing process and achieve the desired aesthetic outcomes.
Dr Aniketh Venkataram or Dr Jayashree Venkataram will see you and evaluate you to plan for the procedure. You will be thoroughly counselled on all aspects of the surgery and what areas are suitable for liposuction during liposuction consultation. All questions and doubts will be addressed.

At the same time, you will be worked up to ensure no underlying issues need to be treated. This ensures a comprehensive evaluation.
Once I decide to undergo liposuction what should I do?
Make sure you have obtained all the information you need; visit our website. Read thoroughly the FAQ section.
Liposuction- What happens before surgery? (how to prepare). Venkat Center Bangalore
Once you decide finally to undergo the procedure, you need to book the dates: for precise info on date availability;
Send an email to [email protected] or
Call 080-23392788 | 23392416 | 23180818 | 41148848 | +91-9739038714. Always provide your contact numbers.
- The advance amount for booking: We need an advance payment of Rs. 10,000/- to book the surgery, either by card/cash/cheque/online transfer.
- NO date will be confirmed without advance, as we have a waiting list of three weeks.
- If you wish to make the online transfer, here are the account details
- Account Number: ICICI 015905002173
- Account Name: Venkataram M N.
- ICICI Vijaya Nagar Branch. Bangalore
- Customer ID 508718709 EC010 IFCS code: 0159.
- Call us or send an SMS/email to confirm the transfer, with transaction details.
- Payment of full amount is done before surgery: Balance full payment is to be paid before surgery either by cash/card only. If you wish to make payment via cheque for the final amount, you should do so at least 5 days before the surgery date, so that the amount gets transferred to our account. You may also send the advance amount by Western Union. Credit & debit cards may attract a 2.25% charge.
- Make sure you have an adequate balance on your credit card or debit card. If you wish to use ATMs, while there are ATMs at all banks near the clinic, pl. note that there is a limit to withdrawal amounts and you need to come to the clinic a little earlier as the ATM card machines are about a few hundred meters from the clinic.
- If you wish to make an online transfer, you may do so in the clinic itself, if your account is in ICICI. However, because of possible problems with internet connections, please arrive at the clinic early. Online transfers from accounts other than ICICI should be done two days before, as time is needed for the transaction.
- Surgery will be done at Vijayanagar Center.
- If you are coming from outside Bangalore, make sure to reach Bangalore early, preferably the previous night and relax.
- You can not travel back on the same night of surgery – you should stay in Bangalore. If you need hotel accommodation, it can be arranged by our staff. Call 080-23392788 | 23392416.
- Surgery may be either in the morning or afternoon; our staff will call and confirm with you one week before the date.
- Is leave needed from the office? Leave may be needed for one day as the bandage will be in place and needs to be changed on days 2 & 3. After that, you can return to work.
- Blood tests: The following Blood Tests need to be done before surgery: CBC, BT, CT, PT, RBS, LFT, RFT, HBsAg, HIV-ELISA, and ECG in all leads: these are simple and routine tests which may be done in any lab. It can be done with us also. Show the results to a doctor before the surgery or scan the results and send them by email to [email protected].
Before undergoing liposuction surgery, please feel free to ask any question you want, however minor they are; do not hesitate. We receive patients from all over the world and most of these queries are by e-mail. Hence we understand that proper communication is important.
Instructions for Patients: On the Day of the Surgery
Liposuction- what happens during surgery? Venkat Center Bangalore. India Liposuction
Reach the centre by the time informed to you; do not be late. PLEASE COME ON TIME.
- Call the clinic for directions – visit our website/Google Maps for directions.
- IMPORTANT: Do not come on an empty stomach. COME ON A FULL STOMACH. Have proper lunch/breakfast depending on the time of arrival.
- Wear comfortable loose-fitting clothes.
- Don’t bring any valuable things (gold items) in your bags/shirt to the clinic, if you have handed them over to the nurse for safe custody.
- On arrival, our nurse and doctor will prepare the skin.
- Surgery will take about 3-5 hours.
- You may travel back in an auto/car/taxi as a passenger but not on a two-wheeler. If you wish to go by city taxi, we would happily arrange one.
- There is no need for anyone else to accompany you; however, if you wish to bring any friends/relatives, you are welcome.

Instructions for Patients: What happens after liposuction surgery?
Please note that liposuction is a very predictable surgery; all postoperative events are already informed to you, so there is no need for any anxiety.
The local anaesthesia given during the procedure lasts until the next day!
- Have light food, Rice, Dal, Chapatti, Rasam and non-spicy food. Don’t smoke and don’t drink alcohol.
- Take medicines as per prescription. All capsules are to be taken after food or with a glass of milk – but not on an empty stomach.
- You may watch TV/Listen to music.
- Avoid exertion.
If there is an urgent problem beyond what is already mentioned, you may contact us on 080-23392788 | 23392416 | 23180818 after 8.00 pm. ONLY if it is an urgent call on 9900564567.

Machines used in Liposuction
Our patients often ask us about the recovery time after liposuction surgery, to be more accurate, recovery in power-assisted liposuction surgery. Our liposuction experts explain more on the issue below.
Liposuction- what happens after surgery? (how long). India liposuction. Venkat Center Bangalore
Healing is a gradual process. You can start walking on the same day itself. You can do your household chores the very next day. You can be back at work within a few days following your surgery. More strenuous activities can be started in a week.
But before we go into that, here are some points for our patients to remember;
- You need to come back for the removal of the bandage – you cannot remove this yourself. Time for this will be informed to you.
- You can have breakfast as usual.
- Please take medicine after breakfast.
- When you come to the clinic, our nurse will remove the bandage.
Always feel free to ask any doubts.
When do you see your new look?
You can see more than half the result of the surgery the next day itself. However, improvement will become even more apparent after four to six weeks. After about three months, the full results and the final contour will be visible.
If your expectations are realistic, you will probably be very pleased with the results of your surgery. You may find that you are more comfortable in a wide variety of clothes and more at ease with your body. And by eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise, you can help to maintain your new shape.