What to do before Hair Transplant
We at Venkat Center provide comprehensive care for hair restoration and transplant procedures. We understand the journey you’re about to embark on is significant, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way. A critical part of the process involves understanding what to do before a hair transplant. Hence, we’re here to ensure you feel prepared and confident as you progress towards your hair restoration goals.
What to do before a hair transplant? is the biggest question that occurs after hair transplant surgery. It is advisable to do your research properly when you are planning a hair transplant. Some things to look at include.
- The qualifications of the doctor- make sure he/she is a dermatologist or plastic surgeon with training in hair transplant.
- The experience of the doctor- check for how long they have been involved in hair transplant surgery
- Check the results and reviews of the doctor
At any stage, you can get in touch with us. If you are out of town you can send your photos to [email protected]. We can also schedule a video consultation
If you are in town you can visit us, call 7022101689/ 9611842627 to set up an appointment During this consultation, the number of grafts needed is estimated. You are counselled regarding the procedure and the necessary medications.
Are any blood tests needed?
Some routine blood tests are needed, including CBC, HCV, Bleeding time, clotting time, PT, APTT, Random blood sugar, HBs AG, HIV ELISA, ECG (EKG) in all leads. These are simple tests, done to make sure there are no undetected medical issues that could complicate your surgery. Show the results to a trusted Doctor, prior to the surgery. You may also scan the results and send them by email.
What other precautions should I take before surgery?
- You need to stop smoking for 2 weeks prior to the surgery to have the best result
- Some medications may have to be stopped before surgery. Any medications should be disclosed to your doctor.
- Don’t have spicy food the night before surgery.
- Wash your hair with shampoo for two days before the surgery.
- Inform any allergies to your doctor
What happens on the day of the surgery?
- The surgery will be either in the morning or afternoon. You can have breakfast or lunch before coming at your allotted time
- If coming from outside Bangalore, make sure you reach Bangalore early, preferably the previous night. You cannot travel back on the same night- you should stay in Bangalore. If you need hotel accommodation, it can be arranged by our staff, please let us know beforehand.
- Make transport arrangements for going home after surgery. You cannot drive, and you cannot drive pillion. You can not go by Bus. If needed, we can arrange a cab for you.
- Before surgery, Dr. Venkat or Dr. Aniketh will go over the plan once more, and mark your hairline. Only after you agree and sign the consent form, will the surgery start
- You may bring an attendant-we have a separate attendant waiting room.
Do not be tense. This is simple surgery- most patients sleep during surgery or enjoy television.
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