If you are looking for gynecomastia surgery costs in Bangalore, then this centre provides affordable and effective solutions for Gynecomastia Surgery. Gynaecomastia is a very frustrating condition faced by many men in Bangalore and India. This can be easily resolved by gynecomastia surgery performed by expert liposuction specialists.
Are Gynecomastia/manboobs dangerous?
Gynecomastia is not dangerous per se and does not adversely affect your health. However, gynecomastia causes much social embarrassment, and psychological stress as these young men are not able to wear tight-fitting dresses, visit public gyms, swimming pools, religious ceremonies which need disrobing of the upper clothes etc. Young men in hostels are often at the receiving end of jokes and ridicule. These people try to hide gynaecomastia by wearing loose clothes, but severe grades are difficult to hide.
Scarring caused by gynecomastia (Man boobs) procedure |Dr Aniketh Speaks
ಗೈನೆಕೊಮಾಸ್ಟಿಯಾ – ಏನು? ಯಾಕೆ? ಚಿಕಿತ್ಸೆ ಹೇಗೆ? (gynecomastia explained). Venkat Center Bangalore
Scarring caused by gynecomastia (Man boobs) procedure |Dr Aniketh Speaks
Gynecomastia or man boobs is an abnormal swelling of breast tissue in men. Normally, breast tissue including the glandular tissue is not developed. In some individuals, due to various causes, this tissue can enlarge and become visible. This tissue has two components:
- Fatty tissue: This is soft and made up of fat cells
- Glandular tissue: This is firm and made up of enlarged glands and fibrous tissue.
What causes Gynecomastia?
The most common cause of gynaecomastia is puberty. Men also have breast gland tissue like women, but in most men, it doesn’t develop. Simply put all individuals have both male and female sex hormones. In men, male hormones are higher than female. During puberty, this hormone balance may temporarily get altered. This alteration stimulates the breast glands which grow and look like breasts. Unfortunately, even when the hormone levels normalise, this breast tissue doesn’t go away.
Gynecomastia can occur due to other hormonal abnormalities that affect the balance of male and female sex hormones. Several drugs also cause hormonal changes and gynecomastia. It is important to be seen by a qualified surgeon to rule out any underlying condition causing it for long-term results.
One other important cause of gynecomastia that is, unfortunately, becoming more common is the use of steroids in gyms. Oftentimes, men are pressured to take anabolic steroids. These steroids are converted in the body to female hormones and can stimulate gynecomastia.
Do steroids cause gynecomastia (MANBOOBS)? How to treat? Venkat Center Bangalore. India liposuction
What are the stages of gynecomastia?
There are various classifications for gynecomastia. One of the most popular ones is the following:

The stages are shown along with actual results after gynecomastia surgery from The Venkat Center in Bangalore.
- Grade One – Mild enlargement of the breast bud concentrated behind the areola.

- Grade Two – Breast growth spreading beyond the areola with edges that blend with the chest wall.

- Grade Three – Breast growth spreading beyond the areola, with clear edges and redundant skin.

- Grade Four – Marked breast enlargement with redundant skin and feminisation of the breast.

Does going to the gym cause gynecomastia?
Working out does not directly cause man boobs, however often in gyms, men can be pressured into taking supplements or steroid injections. These can have hormonal components which can cause gynecomastia, which is much more severe than the type caused by puberty.
What are the treatment options for gynecomastia?
Drugs such as Tamoxifen have been advocated for management, but gynecomastia surgery remains the mainstay of treatment for many patients. Selected cases may need to be checked for any hormonal abnormality and by ultrasound scanning to rule out any breast pathology.
Till now, an extensive procedure subtotal mastectomy was the treatment of choice. However, with the introduction of tumescent liposuction, male breast reduction treatment has become simpler and effective. It is cosmetically more acceptable as the scar is minimal.
Can I reduce Gynecomastia by working out?
Unfortunately, working out and cardio does not get rid of manboobs, as the glandular tissue cannot be broken down by exercise alone. The fatty tissue is also resistant to breaking down.
How does liposuction treat Gynecomastia?
Liposuction for gynecomastia is done under the technique of Awake liposuction at Venkat Center. Under Awake Liposuction is done under the usage of local anaesthesia.
Liposuction for gynecomastia under local anaesthesia at Venkat center
Gynecomastia can be treated easily by Awake Liposuction at The Venkat Center in Bangalore. Gynecomastia can also be treated easily by liposuction at The Venkat Center in Bangalore. Gynecomastia surgery simply removes the enlarged tissue under local anaesthesia. In liposuction for gynecomastia, 1-2 small holes (adits) of size 3 mm are made on either side. Then three steps are done:
- Awake Liposuction to remove fatty tissue: A powered machine is used to remove tougher fat tissue.
- Glandular extraction: Through the same small holes, the glandular tissue is teased out and removed. This tissue is difficult to remove with liposuction alone.
- Skin tightening: An Energy device is used to break down the tissue further, which improves the result post-operatively. At the same time, it also causes the skin to contract and adhere to the chest wall.

Gynecomastia treatment- A patient experience! Venkat Center Bangalore. India liposuction
What is a Mastectomy?
Mastectomy is a male breast reduction surgery to remove the enlarged breast tissue. It is done under general anaesthesia. A 5 cm incision is made around the nipple, the gland is dissected and removed. Drains are placed to resolve any bleeding.
How is awake liposuction superior to mastectomy?
Liposuction is preferable to mastectomy for several reasons:
- Anaesthesia: We perform Awake Liposuction under local tumescent anaesthesia, while mastectomy requires general anaesthesia.
- Incision: Liposuction is done through small 3 mm incisions that are not visible and need no sutures. Mastectomy needs a bigger 5 cm incision which can heal a bad scar in people.
- Result: Awake Liposuction gives a smoother result as it gradually removes tissue from all areas and can be sculpted as needed. Mastectomy can sometimes lead to a saucer-like deformity if all the tissue is removed from the centre and none from the edges. Also, during awake liposuction, the patient can be made to stand in the middle of the surgery. This improves the result as the body looks different while standing and while lying down.
- Bleeding: Awake Liposuction causes minimal blood loss. Mastectomy often needs the use of drains after surgery to remove collected blood.
- Scars – liposuction involves the use of small holes around 3-4mm. Mastectomy needs a large incision of a few cm.
Best Gynecomastia Surgeon in Bangalore India
“Transform Your Chest with the Best Gynecomastia Surgeon in Bangalore, India”
When it comes to finding the best gynecomastia surgeon in Bangalore, India, look no further than Venkat Center for Skin ENT and Plastic Surgery. Our esteemed medical facility boasts a team of highly skilled and experienced plastic surgeons who specialise in gynecomastia surgery. With their expertise and advanced surgical techniques, they have successfully transformed the lives of numerous patients, helping them achieve a more masculine chest appearance.
At Venkat Center, we understand the significance of selecting a reliable and trustworthy surgeon for such a delicate procedure. Our gynecomastia surgeons in Bangalore, India, are noted for their exceptional skills, compassionate care, and commitment to delivering outstanding results. We prioritise patient safety, satisfaction, and personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual’s unique needs.
Gynecomastia surgery cost in Bangalore, India
The cost of gynecomastia surgery, also known as male breast reduction surgery, in Bangalore, India, can vary depending on several factors such as the stage and extent, patient’s condition, complications, and amount of fat needed to be removed. It can vary from Rs 40,000 to Rs 80,000 depending on the severity. This includes the surgery, dressings, and follow-up. It is important to consult with a qualified surgeon to determine the specific cost for your case and to ensure that you are receiving safe and high-quality care.
Venkat Center for Skin ENT and Plastic Surgery is a well-known medical facility that offers top-quality gynecomastia treatment in Bangalore. If you are looking for gynecomastia surgery in India, this centre provides affordable and effective solutions. Located in Bangalore, Venkat Center for Skin ENT and Plastic Surgery has a team of experienced plastic surgeons who are highly skilled in performing gynecomastia surgery. They can help you achieve a more masculine chest appearance through their advanced surgical techniques.
Why undergo gynecomastia surgery at Venkat Center Bangalore?
- Our surgeons have treated over 700 cases of gynecomastia.
- Our specialty is we perform this completely under local anesthesia which is safer, painless and has a faster recovery time.
- We perform glandular extraction as well and are careful to avoid saucer deformities.
- We try to avoid skin excision and scars. We use non-surgical skin tightening treatments for the same.
- Our priority at all times is the safety of the patient.
Before & After Gynecomastia Surgery Process Customer Testimonial – ಗೈನೆಕೊಮಾಸ್ಟಿಯಾ – ಸಂಕಟದ ಒಂದು ಕಥೆ
Awake Liposuction & Why We Recommended It?
At Venkat Center, we recommend Awake Liposuction. Awake Liposuction is the concept of doing the liposuction procedure while the patient is awake & not unconscious. For Awake Liposuction, local anaesthesia is used instead of general anaesthesia.
What do I do if I have extra skin?
This device used radiofrequency energy to cause skin contraction, and can therefore help with extra skin after liposuction.
How is this different from other machines?
⦁ It uses energy both below and above the skin which gives superior results to other devices.
⦁ It has a special probe named bodytite which is large and accurate enough to be used on the body safely and effectively. Other devices do not have this level of accuracy.
How is BODYTITE done? Is it safe?
It is done as an outpatient procedure under local anaesthesia, the patient goes home in half an hour.
The device has numerous safeguards built in which ensure complete safety. The results are seen immediately, with the best results after 6 weeks and improving even further over 12 months.
The procedure can either be done at the same time as liposuction, or later as a secondary procedure.
The best candidates for this procedure are those with a moderate amount of skin excess, who don’t want a surgical procedure.
To know more click here
You can download the guidebook for Gynecomastia here.
Gynaecomastia Surgery GuidebookCalculate the gynecomastia surgery cost
The estimated cost for your Gynecomastia treatment would be .