
Finasteride Not Associated with Sexual Disfunction | ASEX Survey

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Use of the ASEX survey to investigate sexual disfunction in 752 men aged 18-82 resulted in no connection to finasteride use. This reflects recent which suiggests that men with alopecia may be inherently more susceptible to sexual disfunction regardless of treatment, and that sexual disfunction in not uncommon in the general population, regardless of alopecia status.

Therefore, as one of the only two FDA-approved m,edications, it is recommended that finasteride continue to be prescribed for the treatment of AGA.

This is a large research study conducted in US on 662 patients of male pattern baldness who were taking tablet finasteride for male patterned baldness.

103 patients were taking for less than 1 year, 299 people taking between 1 to 5 years and 299 patients taking more than 5 years.

This group was compared with a group general patients who were not taking finasteride.

The study found that there was no increase in sexual side effects on patients taking finasteride when compared to normal people who are not taking finasteride. The authors recommend use of finasteride for the treatment of male pattern baldness.

It is important to note that sexual issues can occur in patients on male pattern baldness due to several reasons:

  1. Most male patients are anxious and often  depressed- anxiety and depression can lead to sexual dysfunction
  2. Male pattern baldness is associated with metabolic syndrome
  3. Sexual dysfunction in the general population is common, even those who are not takeing finasteride and this percentage is increasing due to modern life style, stress, and other factors.

Dr Venkat’s opinion

We have found finasteride safe- not just in the above study but also in a study conducted in our center. Hence we recommend it as a valuable method to retain existing Hair. Those who have apprehensions, we recommend

Sexual Dysfunction. ASEX Survey

  • Alternate day therapy.
  • Reduced dosage.
  • Giving a finasteride holiday. This means taking the the drug for 3 weeks and avoiding it for 1 week to avoid accumulation of the drug to prevent cumulative side effects.
  • Using topical formulation.

Our advice to patients is to go by science and evidence, and not by internet discussions.
If a patient still refuses to take the drugs, we respect their rights to avoid the drug. In such patients we use minoxidil, PRP and Lasers.

Read the detailed study here.

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