
Dr Venkataram Took Over as President of DASIL at the 7th World Congress

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Dr. Venkat honored at the DASIL Conference in Buenos Aires Dr. Venkat was honored as an expert at the DASIL conference in Buenos Aires

Dr Venkat took over as the president of the global organisation Dermatologists and Aesthetic Surgeons International League (DASIL). The association seeks to educate train and conduct research in the field of dermatosurgery across the globe.

He is the first Indian dermatologist to raise to this high position. At the DASIL congress, the faculty included ISHRS president Arthur Tykocinsky, Dr. Roy Stroller, Dr. Mohammramin was visited by Dr. Venkataram Mysore. Discussions on hair transplantation focused on two aspects.

  • New Advances: New advances include a new method of FUE which enables the technique to be done in long hair without trimming the hairs.
  • Increasing unethical practices: Unethical practices invite increasing number of non doctors performing Surgery at poorly equipped places. This causes risk to patients health.

Here are some images from the conference.

Dr. Venkat chaired a session on hair transplantation at the DASIL congress
Dr Venkat chaired a session on hair transplantation at the DASIL Congress in Buenos Aires
Dr. Venkat is a very highly reputed trichologist and is a speaker at hair transplantation conferences.
Dr Venkat was the workshop chair on hair transplantation at DASIL Congress at Buenos Aires 2018

Dr. Venkat with other dermatologists at DASIL Dr. Venkat was invited as an expert on hair transplant at DASIL conference Dr. Venkataram attended the DASIL conference in Buenos Aires

Dr. Venkat with the legendary dermatosurgeon Prof. Larry Field
Dr. Venkat with the legendary dermatosurgeon Prof. Larry Field

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Introduction about "THE VENKAT CENTER" by Dr Aniketh Venkataram

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