
Dimple Creation Cost in Bangalore

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Discover Your Dimple Transformation: Unveil Dimple Surgery Cost in Bangalore through this article. Also, learn about recovery from dimple creation surgery.

Dimples are a desired facial feature present in some individuals naturally. A natural dimple is usually formed when there is a small defect in the cheek musculature (most often the buccinator muscle). The skin overlying this small defect is stuck down to the underlying connective tissue and creates a dimple in the skin with facial animation (smiling). Dimple creation surgery can simulate this naturally occurring process.

Dimpleplasty: Best Dimple Creation Surgery in Bangalore, India | Venkat Center

Dimpleplasty: Best Dimple Creation Surgery in Bangalore, India | Venkat Center

Dimple Creation in Bangalore

Charming Dimple Creation in Bangalore – Enhance Your Smile at Venkat Center

Experience the magic of dimple creation in Bangalore at the Venkat Center for Skin ENT and Plastic Surgery. Our skilled surgeons can help you achieve adorable dimples that beautifully complement your smile. We bring your desired dimples to life with precise techniques and personalised care. Transform your look and boost your confidence with our expert dimple creation services. Book a consultation now to get started on your journey to a more charming you!

Who is a good candidate?

dimple surgery cost in bangalore

Dimple creation surgery can be done on any type or size of cheek, although some cheeks are probably better candidates than others. You can decide where the dimples will be. It is done under local anaesthesia and takes 30 minutes.

Best dimple creation surgeon bangalore india
Marking the location of a new dimple

What does the dimple creation surgery involve?

  • The procedure is done under local anaesthesia.
  • To create a dimple, a small painless incision is made on the inside of your cheek. There is no incision or scar on the outside skin.
  • A small absorbable suture is passed through the inside of the cheek and catches the under-surface of the skin where the dimple is desired. When this suture is tied it causes a dimpling in the overlying skin.
  • At first, there is a dimple present even without smiling, but after several days, or sometimes a few weeks, the dimple is only present while smiling or moving the face. The scarring between the inner skin and muscle will cause a permanent dimple even after the suture is absorbed.
Dimple Creation Cost in Bangalore

What is the recovery like after dimple creation?

  • You will most likely have some swelling in the cheek after the dimple creation surgery. This is usually minimal. Depending on what you do for a living, you might not need to miss any work at all after your dimple creation surgery is done. The swelling usually subsides in a few days.
  • You are free to eat and drink whatever you like after the dimple creation procedure. You will have some pain and discomfort in the cheek after dimple surgery, but it should be minimal and should not interfere with your ability to chew and eat normally.

Dimple surgery cost in Bangalore

If you are considering dimple surgery costs in Bangalore, trust us at Venkat Center for expert care and specialized attention. Our skilled surgeons can help you achieve your desired dimples while ensuring a safe and comfortable experience. Feel free to reach out to us for more information or to book a consultation!



With Crisalix 3D software, it is possible to create a 3D model of your face which can help in discussion and formulate a customised plan to suit your needs.

Simply upload your photos on the link below for a remote consultation. Or you can visit our clinic, where photos will be taken. and a 3D model will be generated. Dr Aniketh will discuss the best options with you and guide you in your aesthetic journey.

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