Hello readers,
In this post, I wanted to speak about ‘want vs need’ of cosmetic plastic surgery.
Often when a patient comes to me looking for improvement of any feature, one question which they or their family member ask is, ‘Does he/she need this?’
Does someone need cosmetic plastic surgery?
My answer to them is NO. No one NEEDS cosmetic surgery. It isn’t essential in the sense that you can live your life perfectly happily without cosmetic surgery. It isn’t essential surgery in the way that cancer surgery or transplant surgery is.
But having said that, just because some one CAN live happily without it, doesn’t mean that they WILL. Often people are very unhappy about one particular physical feature. This may come from within or be the product of comments passed by others. For example, a young boy with prominent ears may be bullied by school mates making fun of him. A young girl with a prominent nose may be made fun of.
Why do people seek cosmetic plastic surgery?
All these things can severely affect a person’s self confidence. When they look in the mirror, they no longer feel happy. Their eyes only go toward their perceived imperfection. This affects their ability to interact with the world and live their life to the fullest.
For these people, a cosmetic correction can make a world of difference.
I have seen men who were balding, cry with happiness after a hair transplant.
I have also seen young women completely transformed after a rhinoplasty.
Individuals who used to be shy and hesitant to show their face to the world, are suddenly free and confident to take on the world head on.
This might sound like hyperbole, but it is true.
For such individuals, you realize the line between want and need becomes blurred. If someone is able to do something that enables them to live their best life shouldn’t they be allowed to?
The stigma behind cosmetic surgery
The purpose of this post is to remove the stigma of cosmetic surgery as being ‘vanity surgery’. If you are happy with yourself and could never imagine undergoing cosmetic surgery, that is perfectly fine. But we shouldn’t judge people who opt for it. We have no idea of their reasons for doing so, and the mental trauma they might have faced in the past.
Ultimately, we only live once. Life is too short to judge other peoples choices. Everyone should be free to overcome anything holding them back.