
Botulinum Toxin (BOTOX) for wrinkles and antiageing in Bangalore

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Botulinum Toxin or BOTOX is one the most common treatments done in Bangalore and India. However, there are several misconceptions about it. The Venkat Center provides a best Botox treatment in bangalore.

Where do wrinkles appear?

The most common areas for wrinkles include

  • Forehead
  • between the eyebrows
  • at the corners of the eyes
  • Neck

What are the types of wrinkles?

Wrinkles can be classified as active or passive. Active wrinkles are those that are present only on expression. They do not appear when the person is not using their muscles. Passive wrinkles appear even at rest

What are the main factors that cause wrinkles?

Apart from the normal ageing process, other factors responsible for the development of wrinkles:

  • Smoking – experts say that it is due to a reduced blood supply to the skin.
  • Light skin – experience a higher level of sun damage, which accelerates wrinkles.
  • Genetic factors – if your parents developed wrinkles earlier than other people, your chances are significantly higher.
  • Some jobs – people whose jobs expose them to more sunlight tend to become wrinkly earlier than others. Examples include fishermen, farmers, sailors, golfers, tanning booth employees (UV exposure), and gardeners.
  • Exposure to UV (ultraviolet light) – people who spend considerable time out in the sun during their leisure hours are more likely to develop wrinkles earlier.
  • Facial expressions – people who repeatedly smile, frown, or squint will develop fine lines and wrinkles earlier than other who do not do these facial expressions so often. In youth, the skin springs back, but as it gets older and loses its flexibility springing back becomes harder, resulting in more permanent grooves.

What are the treatment options for wrinkles in Bangalore?

Wrinkles are not usually considered as medical conditions or diseases – they are not generally life-threatening. It is important for the individual to bear this in mind when considering treatment options.

In many patients a combination of above treatments may be needed, in multiple sessions, This can be determined after proper examination  of the skin. The results depend on factors like location and depth of the wrinkles.

What is botulinum toxin or BOTOX?

Botulinum Toxin is a chemical that blocks receptors in muscles and reduces the activity of muscles. They can hence be used to treat wrinkles.

What are the uses of botulinum toxin?

They can be used to

  • treat wrinkles
  • prevent wrinkles
  • weaken specific muscles to treat gummy smile, drooping nose, downturned lips etc
  • reduce the size of muscles- for jawline slimming


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Is Botulinum Toxin safe? How is it done?

BOTOX is extremely safe. It takes a few minutes and you are back to your routine immediately.

  • A numbing cream is applied
  • The botox is injected using very fine needles smaller than your hair
  • You are then free to return to your routine

How long do the results last?

It is important to understand that ageing is a continuous process and there is no treatment which gives permanent results. All anti-ageing treatments need multiple sessions and frequent maintenance treatments.

Result photos of Pre-procedure & Post-procedure


botox treatment in bangalore -before treatmentbotox treatment in bangalore -after treatment


botox treatment in bangalore -after treatmentbotox treatment in bangalore -after treatment


botox treatment in bangalore -after treatmentbotox treatment in bangalore -after treatment


botox treatment in bangalore -after treatmentbotox treatment in bangalore -after treatment


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What is the cost of this procedure?

The cost varies depending on the severity and amount needed. At the Venkat Center Bangalore, we strive to provide quality service at affordable prices. Do contact us to know more.

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