
Migraine Surgery

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Looking for the best Migraine Surgery in Bangalore, India? What is Migraine? Migraines can be defined as severe headaches commonly accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine attacks can last for hours or even days, and the pain can be so severe that it interferes with daily activities. If you are suffering from chronic migraines, and have tried all treatments with little to no success, migraine surgery may be the solution for you. Migraine surgery is a new advancement in the field, with promising results over the last 2 decades, that seeks to treat migraines in a radically new way.

Migraine Surgery 1

How do migraines occur?

Migraines have a complex pathology and are of various types. Previously it was thought that migraines only occurred because of increased sensitivity in the neurons of the brain. What has been found recently is that, along with this sensitivity there is usually a trigger from a nerve outside the brain. This trigger happens when a sensitive nerve is compressed by a muscle, an artery or any other structure. Different people have different trigger points that lead to the headache.

What are the treatments for migraine?

The traditional treatments for migraine include medications. These are aimed at reducing the sensitivity of the cerebral neurons. While these are beneficial, they need to be taken regularly for long periods to ensure migraine prevention.

Migraine Surgery in India| Permanent Solution for Migraine | Venkat Center Bangalore

Migraine Surgery in India| Permanent Solution for Migraine | Venkat Center Bangalore

What are the newer treatments for migraine?

The newer treatments are aimed at preventing a migraine from being triggered by preventing the trigger nerve from being compressed. These include

  • Botulinum Toxin– Botox injections are used to relax the muscles around the trigger nerve, thereby reducing the number and severity of migraine. It is a simple, safe treatment that takes ten minutes to do and lasts for around 5-6 months, after which it has to be repeated.
  • Migraine Surgery- Migraine surgery is aimed at surgically releasing the trigger nerve from all the structures that are compressing it, thereby reducing the chance of a migraine trigger.

Who is a good candidate for migraine surgery?

Before going for surgery, the patient must be evaluated if they are a good candidate for migraine surgery. The best candidates are:

  • Patients who have been diagnosed to have migraines
  • Patients who have tried other treatments and are unhappy
  • Patients whose quality of life is being affected
  • Patients with an identifiable trigger site

During the consultation, you will be evaluated by Dr Aniketh Venkataram and Dr Deeksha Venkataram with a detailed questionnaire that helps determine if you are a suitable candidate for surgery. Your trigger points are evaluated.

Common migraine trigger sites

The most common trigger points are:

  • Supraorbital- above the inner part of the eye
  • Temporal- Side of the ear above the temples
  • Occipital- Back of the head and upper neck
  • Rhinogenic- Inside the nose
Migraine Surgery 2

Once it is determined that surgery could be a good treatment option for you, our surgeon will give you all the details about this migraine relief procedure so you can make an informed decision. You will have the opportunity to discuss the potential risks and benefits of the procedure and ask any questions you might have about migraine surgery.

How is the migraine surgery done?

The surgery is done as a daycare surgery with either local or general anaesthesia depending on the patient and the trigger site.

  • Small incisions are made based on the trigger side. These are hidden inside the hairline or natural skin creases so that they are not noticeable.
  • The trigger nerve is identified and completely freed from all structures compressing it. These can include, muscle, blood vessels, bone, and tissue.
  • If needed, fat grafting may be done to protect the nerve.
  • The incisions are then closed to not leave any visible scars.

How is the recovery after migraine surgery?

  • You can usually go home the same day
  • There will be minimal bandages and dressings
  • Some swelling and bruising may occur
  • Usually, patients can return to work in 5 days
  • Strenuous activity should be avoided for 3 weeks

How are the results after migraine surgery?

Studies have shown that 90 per cent of patients noted an improvement in migraines after surgery. 45 per cent reported a complete stoppage of migraines. Another 45 per cent noted a reduction in the intensity and severity of migraines. Patient selection is very important as not all migraine patients will benefit from this. The results of surgery are usually best seen a few months after surgery.

Best Migraine Surgery in Bangalore, India

Why choose the Venkat Center for your migraine treatment?

At Venkat Center, we are uniquely qualified to treat your migraine. Dr. Deeksha Venkataram, our ENT surgeon is well qualified to assess your migraine and distinguish it from other conditions such as sinusitis, vertigo etc.

Dr Aniketh Venkataram is trained in migraine surgery from Instituto de Benito in Barcelona, Spain, and is an expert facial plastic surgeon who can execute this procedure without leaving any visible scars. He is also an expert in botox treatment of migraines. As someone who suffers from migraines himself, he has a special interest in this surgery.

If you would like to see if you are a candidate for this procedure, don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or call us at +91-7022101689

Dr Aniketh with Dr Benito in Barcelona
Dr Aniketh Venkataram with the amazing Dr Benito, to learn advanced deep plane facelift and migraine surgery in Barcelona.

Dr Aniketh Venkataram with Dr Javier de Benito at the Migraine surgery course in Barcelona, Spain.

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