Acne Treatment in Bangalore
Acne, presenting as red-coloured or pus-filled bumps on the face, is a widespread skin concern affecting many young men and women today. This prevalent issue can lead to significant frustration and embarrassment, impacting an individual’s self-confidence. Fortunately, at the Venkat Center for Skin ENT and Plastic Surgery, we offer effective acne treatment in Bangalore that can help control and treat this common problem. In the following sections of our website, we will delve into all aspects of acne and provide comprehensive insights into how our expert dermatologists can assist you with professional acne treatment in Bangalore.

How does Acne develop?
Acne in face arises due to a problem in the Pilosebaceous unit. Sebaceous glands are the glands in our skin that produce sebum (oil) and open through a duct onto the skin. Sebum keeps our skin smooth and moist. Under the influence of hormones, especially the male hormone testosterone, the glands produce sebum. When there is either excessive production of male hormones during puberty and adolescence or increased sensitivity of the glands to male hormones, sebum gets accumulates in the duct. This attracts the bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes.
The excess sebum and bacterial by-products cause inflammation, which increases the production of skin cells and keratinocytes. After some time, the duct ruptures, resulting in the release of the contents into the surrounding tissue and further inflammation.
What are the types of acne in face?
There are various stages in acne development. Initially, debris-filled ducts led to the formation of blackheads, also known as open comedones, and whiteheads, known as closed comedones. Blackheads are the result of ducts clogged yet left open, while whiteheads are formed when the ducts, including the openings, are completely blocked. Then, due to bacterial colonization and inflammation, they produce pus-filled lesions (pustules) and pink-coloured bumps (papules). If this stage continues, it results in duct rupture and produces big and painful skin bumps called nodules and cysts.
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Causes of Acne
In genetically predisposed individuals, acne develops due to hormonal effects, especially the male hormone testosterone.
Risk factors include
- Genetic: positive family history ( mother, twin, siblings)
- Obesity: hyperandrogenism
It is aggravated by
- Stress
- Diet: milk and milk products, High carbohydrate diets
- Smoking
- Salon oil facial massages
- Skin brightening creams
Why should I take treatment for acne?
Acne if left untreated can leave dark spots and scars causing severe distress to the person. Depression, anxiety and low self-esteem especially during the teenage age group can be problematic. Hence the early treatment for acne helps in preventing these complications.
What treatments are available?
Your dermatologist chooses the treatment based on your acne severity, acne grading, age & sex. It ranges from topical creams, oral antibiotics, oral retinoids, facewashes, chemical peels, lasers etc.
- For open comedones, comedone expression is best. In this procedure, we remove the debris from the clogged pore with a special instrument.
- For closed comedones procedures like microdermabrasion,
- For paulopustular acne chemical peels like salicylic acid, azelaic acid, and mandelic acid peels are good. In addition Nd: YAG lasers also provide faster improvement.
- For nodulocystic acne sometimes intralesional injections help.
Chemical peeling for acne
Chemical peeling, also referred to as chemical rejuvenation, is a popular procedure for treating various skin issues, including acne. It’s a process where a chemical agent or a combination of agents of defined strength is applied to the skin, causing controlled destruction of its layers. This is particularly effective as a chemical peeling for acne, as it promotes the regeneration and remodelling of skin tissue, helping to reduce the presence and impact of acne on the skin.
What is chemical peeling?
Chemical peeling or chemical rejuvenation is a procedure where a chemical agent or combination of agents of defined strength is applied to the skin, causing controlled destruction of the layers of the skin. This is followed by regeneration and remodelling of the skin tissue.
What chemical peels are used for acne?
Various superficial peels like Salicylic acid, Mandelic acid, Azelaic acid, Lactic acid etc. are used for treating acne effectively. They reduce the duration and severity of acne faster than routine topical creams and oral medicines.
Are chemical peels safe for the skin?
Yes. The peels range from very superficial to deep peels depending on the type of chemical and concentration used. For acne, we use very superficial peels which are safe with very mild side effects.
What side effects are expected after a chemical peel?
- Most of the side effects are self-limiting and do not require treatment. In the hands of the experienced dermatologist, they are seen very rarely.
- Mild erythema is expected after most of the peels as your skin is exposed to chemical agents. It usually disappears on its own after a few hours.
- Skin dryness if the patient doesn’t follow the instruction of applying moisturisers post peel
- Skin peeling is rarely seen in the hands of experienced dermatologists and requires strict sun protection and abundant moisturisers.
Myths and Facts about acne
Does diet have an effect on my acne outbreak?
Acne is mostly due to hormones effect, especially the male hormone testosterone. Diet has little role. However recent research revealed that intake of dairy products like cheese, ghee etc. and certain high carbohydrate foods have a role in aggravating acne.
Does acne mean poor face hygiene?
No, need not be. In fact, vigorous scrubbing can cause dry skin and aggravate acne. The normal face wash is enough.
Should I stop using makeup altogether during acne?
Need not be. Heavy cosmetics like compacts, concealers and foundations can cause pore blockage and can aggravate acne. Instead, change to a lighter cream and foundation and check for the label “non-comedogenic” on the cosmetics you purchase.
Acne is a problem in teenagers and doesn’t occur in adults.
During puberty hormonal changes happen, so acne is more common in the teenage years. But it can also happen in adults, especially females, during pregnancy and at the time of menopause because of hormonal effects.
Intake of some medications like steroids, anti-epileptics, antidepressants, anti-tuberculosis drugs etc can also cause acne.
Can teenage Acne continue in adulthood?
Usually, acne gets cleared after teenager but rarely can continue in adulthood.
Are home remedies safer than chemical treatments?
Home remedies like applying sandalwood, turmeric, and sour milk can cause allergy to the skin and sometimes even aggravate acne.
Basics of skin care for Acne Prone Skin
How to clean the skin?
- Cleanse your skin 3-4 times a day with any mild soap or cleansing lotion. Too many washings can lead to dryness. Wash your face before going to bed, to clear off the entire make-up.
- Don’t scrub the face too hard. Be gentle with the pimples.
- Don’t pinch, prick or squeeze the pimples.
- Household/self-prescribed medicines can aggravate the pimples-be careful
How to apply creams?
- The pimple creams should be applied very carefully only on the pimples – DON’T SPREAD THE CREAM onto the surrounding skin.
- Most pimple creams lead to mild dryness- so apply small quantities only. Excess application of the creams can cause redness and dryness of the skin, so be very stingy with the creams.
“Remember: 1 g can cover the entire face. So you need only 0.2-0.3 mg”
What cosmetics can I use?
- Don’t use heavy makeup or cosmetics.
- Oil-based cosmetics can increase pimples, so use water-based creams. Choose cosmetics on which it is marked “non-comedogenic”
- Avoid over-the-counter medicines like Betnovate cream- these can increase pimples.
Is there any dietary restriction to be followed?
- Diet and pimples have no major connection; however, excessive and frequent consumption of dairy products, cakes, pastries, and chocolates should be avoided. Dietary oil is not related to food. So there is no need to avoid oily foods completely.
- It is normal for a few pimples to erupt during periods of pregnancy in some females.
“Remember: Pimples take a few weeks to subside – so be patient”